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dress up

the dragon

the princess and the dragon

the princess and the dragon

paper bag princess

For halloween, I was the paper bag princess, and Jin was the dragon.

We didn't plan this, but Jin and I made eachother's costumes! I had such a fun time making Jin's dragon! I got the instructions to make this costume
here. They have other really cute ideas on this site too! I will probably come back to get more ideas for future halloweens!

And Jin did an amazing job on making my paper dress! He torched it and wrinkled it and reinforced it with clear tape! He is VERY thorough! I wish I had a better photo of my dress to show you!

We went out dancing with friends until the wee hours of the night, and at the end, we were so hungry, we went to eat at McDonalds. I know this sounds disgusting, but McDonalds tastes amazing at five in the morning.

This year was one of the best halloweens I've had!


  1. Great costumes! And eating the ATM is pretty great too

  2. so cute everything, love the costumes:)

  3. What fantastic costumes! You both look marvelous.

  4. thank you so much ladies! I had such a fun night! And I had such a fun time making these with Jin!

  5. u guys did a great job at each others costumes!!! soo good!

  6. Good work!
    And I do not judge McDonald's. Sometimes your body needs it.

    Your face is the happiest face I've ever seen. You have bliss-face. I love it.

  7. Oh, gorgeous idea.
    I LOVE that book.

  8. your blog is adorable. i may have to steal this costume idea come next hallowe'en
