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Kinfolk Magazine



mea+mojo kiss?

Kinfolk Magazine

reading with cats

The cats gathered around as I opened this lovely package I received from Nathan in the mail. I think they sensed how excited I was to take a peak at the first issue of Kinfolk Magazine.

Nathan compiled an amazing group of people for the first issue; I have read all the articles, poured over every image and I am so inspired by each piece. Congratulations to everyone involved!

I was lucky to be part of the first issue in a small way. My photo of a house from our travels is placed at the end for farewell. I quite love it in that spot.

I spent the evening reading through the magazine with the cats sitting close by. I mentioned before that I never really had success getting Mea and Mojo in the same photograph together but for one reason or another, they both decided to sit with me that day. I loved that I was spending time with my cats while reading about time spent with yourself, or with loved ones.


  1. Beautiful everything!
    I esp love that 3rd picture!

    Congrats on this magazine - well deserved I say!!!

  2. cute kitties!

  3. I hope they do a reprint! I love the picture of your two kitties! United by Kinfolk: A MIRACLE!

  4. your cats are adorable!!!

  5. Aww, Celine! They love each other after all! I love this whole set of photos. They're so sweet. Anabela, I hope they do a reprint, too! I wasn't quick enough to get a copy - hopefully next time!

  6. Kinfolk brings cats together. Makes sense to me! Ditto on the reprint, I would love a print copy. What a beautiful photo of yours on the last page!

  7. congrats and thanks for sharing. The magazine looks adorable, too bad it's sold out already...

  8. Magazine looks beautiful :)Such adorable photos of the cats :)

  9. congrats, that's wonderful! and snap, I have an interview with nathan on my blog about Kinfolk. I have to stop myself from absolutely gushing about this magazine.

  10. congratulations to you, this is so great. i LOVE that photo of the 2 of them touching noses, incredibly sweet.

  11. yay! glad you got to see it in person. I think it's prettier in print. Your photo was the perfect close to the first issue. Beautiful!

  12. I'm reading and seeing the most inspiring beautiful photos of Kinfolk all over the blogosphere, and oooowheee, I'm so glad your work is on it too, you are one of my favouritest internet people!

  13. I've seen few other posts of your blog and I have to say I really love your pics. I hope someday mine will be that good.

    Please visit my site of you could, I've just started :)


  14. Oh I love that photo of the kitties kissing! Beautiful shots & gorgeous magazine.

  15. Oh Celine, that house pictures is so heartwarming. It really made me think of home. Geat job and glad to be with such talent as you in Kinfolk.

  16. congrats celine! i was excited to see your work in kinfolk - i wish i had snapped up a hardcopy when i had the chance.
