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The hostess said our table will be ready in one hour, and we all looked at each other and shrugged. Not bad. We were warned beforehand about the wait times at Guu.
Guu is the new Japanese izakaya everyone is talking about. If you live in Vancouver, surely you have been to this chain already (there is something like, 5 in Vancouver), but this is the first one that opened in Toronto-town.
We went with our favourite people to try new food with, Gabe, May and William. Izakayas are Japanese drinking establishments that serve small dishes to go with drinks, but we went for solely for the food! Of course, we had drinks too! When our table was ready, we walked inside the restaurant and were greeted by the staff (and some customers at their tables!) in Japanese! It was happy, loud, and in unison!
They do this when a party arrives and leaves, so there was a lot of loud shouts and waving of hands during our meal. It was very interactive! The other fun part was the amount of dishes we ordered! I think we had 16 dishes, and 3 desserts! Mmmm!
I didn't take any good pictures of the food, but I did catch the boys playing with shrimp heads! Guu just made us act silly! It was such a happy meal! Juli and John took some great pictures of their meal at Guu! Go see (they have good photos of the actual food!)!
p.s. I know I am flooding this blog with photos of raw eggs! I don't mean to, but that yellow yolk draws my eyes in. Also, I think I eat too many eggs.

this is our other cat.
She is the beautiful one, so she may be embarassed if she knew that I am showing you photos of her after her bath. If you meet her, don't mention this post to her!
Of course, she hated the bath, and we needed 4 hands to keep her from jumping out of the tub! Living through renovations, both Mea and Mojo became so dusty and dirty, I almost didn't want to pet them (but how could I not, right?). Renovations are still going on, but I thought it was time for a cleaning.
Through all that 'torture', I think she does like how clean she is afterwards.
oh Mea, our little princess! We love you.

The weather has been wonderful in the city since March arrived! Hopefully spring is here to stay! We got 2 prints, illustrated by the incredibly sweet and talented Melinda Josie, to welcome spring into our home!
The first one is of a handsome Mr. Fox, playing in a clover field. Clover is my favourite, their petals are heart shaped! I have never found a four leaf clover yet, have you?
The other is Dre, at a springtime tea party! Melinda told Jin and I that you know it is Dre, because of his pointy head (yes, Dre is a boy! How cute!).
I love our new pieces of art, and I cannot wait to find a perfect frame for them and hang them on our very blank walls. Rosalyn got the same prints, and I picked hers up for her. I cannot wait to deliver these beauties to her tonight, I know she will squeal!
I am excited to see what Melinda's next print will be! Check her blog, and her store for her current and upcoming prints!
p.s. I like the way she wrote our names! Such attention to detail!

A dutch oven in the shape of a pepper.
A green pepper!
We found this Le Creuset pot this weekend for such a great deal, we couldn't pass it up. It is so cute, I just had to show you!
Also, it makes me giggle at the stove when I use it. I made pasta sauce in it, and served it in the pepper too. I was giggling throughout our dinner. Just ask Jin.
The inside is also shaped like the pepper, and I love how they shaped the handle at the top!
-----------------------------------------------------------------The olympics are over, and Canada won gold for hockey!!! People were so happy, they were hugging in intersections! How cute is that?
Yaaay Canada!